In case you haven't seen- the latest Tikok trend has been listing Ins and Outs of 2024.
Similar to a New Year's Resolution (but better, imo) people are listing their things that they are considering a yes/in or no/out for the upcoming year. From healthcare, to mental health, to practicality, people of all shapes and sizes are giving lists of all styles and topics. I thought about my Ins and Out and made a video, but now that some time has passed I've been able to give it some thought and add to my lists.
Ins of 2024
Investing in ~ quality clothing~
Blog Content
Weightlifting routine
Solo dates
Solo travel
Eating whole foods
Slow living
Work-life balance
Dedicated skincare routine
Outs of 2024
Uncomfortable shoes and clothes
Impulse shopping
People pleasing
CARING WHAT MEN THINK ABOUT ME (had to make it in all caps to show how serious I am)
Decorating based on the trend
Being mean to myself
Yucking someone's yum
Fast, Trendy fashion
Speaking poorly of other people
Caffeinating before hydrating
Letting fear rule me
I think I like these lists more than a resolution because there is no pressure to meet every single thing on this list. I can do my best and work on the rest. I'm sure more things will be added throughout the year as I go (and as I see other people's lists!)
What do you have on your Ins and Outs list for 2024?